2) Investigate S3 Bucket

Difficulty: 1/5


When you unwrap the over-wrapped file, what text string is inside the package? Talk to Shinny Upatree in front of the castle for hints on this challenge.

ANSWER: North Pole: The Frostiest Place on Earth


Starting the challenge

Click on the challenge terminal and it will pop-up on the screen and will show the following banner:

Can you help me? Santa has been experimenting with new wrapping technology, and
we've run into a ribbon-curling nightmare!
We store our essential data assets in the cloud, and what a joy it's been!
Except I don't remember where, and the Wrapper3000 is on the fritz!
Can you find the missing package, and unwrap it all the way?
Hints: Use the file command to identify a file type. You can also examine
tool help using the man command. Search all man pages for a string such as
a file extension using the apropos command.
To see this help again, run cat /etc/motd.

Get the package

The bucket finder script needs a word list so we add wraper3000 as per the description on the banner and we execute the script

elf@098428dd9488:~$ echo "wrapper3000" >>bucket_finder/wordlist 
elf@098428dd9488:~$ bucket_finder.rb -r us -d bucket_finder/wordlist -l log.txt
Bucket found but access denied: kringlecastle
Bucket found but access denied: wrapper
Bucket santa redirects to: santa.s3.amazonaws.com
        Bucket found but access denied: santa
Bucket Found: wrapper3000 ( http://s3.amazonaws.com/wrapper3000 )
        <Downloaded> http://s3.amazonaws.com/wrapper3000/package

The script will create a directory with the same name as the bucket and downloads the content into the directory. There is a single file in the directory and contains a base64 encoded payload. Get the package

Unwarapping the package

The package file contains several layers of packaging, a simple base64 decode and unzip in cyberchef shows it contains a file named package.txt.Z.xz.xxd.tar.bz2

So let's unwrap it, we first do the base64 decode, then unzip then decompress bz2 and un tar the file

cat wrapper3000/package |base64 -d |gzip -d - |tar -jxf -

Now we have un-xxd the resulting file

cat package.txt.Z.xz.xxd |xxd -r -p > package.txt.Z.xz

Opening the xz file with the GUI showed the archive contained the package.txt file which contains the challenge solution.

North Pole: The Frostiest Place on Earth
